• SRX Knäbandage med ledade skenor, omlottmodell
  • SRX Knäbandage med ledade skenor, omlottmodell
  • SRX Knäbandage med ledade skenor, omlottmodell
  • SRX Knäbandage med ledade skenor, omlottmodell
Product ID:
SRX® Hinged Knee Wrap Brace

This model is a wrap-around design that is very versatile and can accommodate an over- sized thigh or calf. The model is made from 3 mm SRX® material with a loop fabric surface and Neptune™ lining on the inside. The model has two lightweight hinges made from composite and aluminium to provide support and stability for the knee. Two elastic and detachable straps can provide more individual compression over the knee joint. The knee brace can be used for local inflammations, overuse, local swelling, or moderate instabilities
caused by ligament or meniscus injuries.

The circumference measurement is taken around the knee joint.


Knee Hinges (3.5 MB)


SRX Brochure (6.37 MB)


Knee instability due to injury to the collateral ligament or the meniscus


Size 1 2
Cm 29-38 38-52