• Mediroyal MOW
  • MR1500
  • Mediroyal MOW
  • MR1500
Product ID:
Mediroyal MOW

Your feet are the foundation that the body rests on. They should be able to stand up to four times your body weight and excessive loading during a normal day. We are all born with different foot statuses, some with almost perfect balance and loading while others have more or less instabilities. Some of these instabilities can lead to that you easier develop an over-load injury. Pronation is the body´s natural way of creating shock absorption. A normal pronation is only beneficial for the body but after excessive loading or if the foot over-pronates it´s easy to develop an overload injury like Shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, Plantar fasciitis and Runners knee. 

The pronation movement in the foot is not isolated, at least the two joints above the foot are affected. The foot status can cause major problems for patients with knee problems like OA, ligament injuries, meniscus problem or patella tracking problems, even back problems as an indirect effect. The MediRoyal MOW® insole has been developed by CPO Lars Eghamn in Sweden. MOW stands for Medial Orthotic Wedge and is simply a medial posted insole that compensates for part of the pronation. This can be very useful in rehabilitation to reduce load and pain but also to do temporary compensations to see the effect and to increase the joint position sense and bio-feedback.

  • MediRoyal MOW® Insoles can be used for multiple applications:
  • Temporary compensation/stabilization of pronation.
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shin Splints/Tibial Periostitis
  • OA -Osteoarthritis
  • Patellofemural Pain/Patella instabilities
  • Rehabilitation of ACL injuries and ACL reconstructions.

The MediRoyal MOW® Insole is made of EVA in two densities and Poron® in the heel for optimal shock absorption. The effective medial posting is 5-7 mm depending on the size of the insole. The cover is made of high friction polyamide for optimal performance and comfort. The MediRoyal MOW® Insole has been fitted with an ESD function (Electrostatic Discharge) that makes it possible to use the insole in both industrial as well as in a hospital environment together with an ESD-certified shoe.


MOW Insoles CE (1.91 MB)


MOW & LOW (5.39 MB)


Available in pairs and double sizes: 34/35, 36/37, 38/39, 40/41, 42/43, 44/45 och 46/47